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Yoke Lore

Organizator: Fource Entertainment sp. z o o

Yoke LoreO wydarzeniu

O wydarzeniu

Z przykrością informujemy, że z przyczyn osobistych cała europejska trasa Yoke Lore, w tym koncert w Warszawie 6.02.2024, zostają odwołane.


Poniżej wiadomość od artysty do fanów:

Right after thanksgiving my father passed away. He was a bright spot, a quiet sage. He had a good death. It was filled with hope. I am going to take some time to be with my family. I want to be able to focus on this big transition. I want to give my feelings the time they deserve. I will cancelling my upcoming European dates in January and February. I will absolutely be back later on the in the year. Dates will be forthcoming. Thank you all for being so conscientious. Go give your parents a hug. See you all really soon.



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